You are here: Home > Redneck Screw Plug



We often get asked about wood screw plugs. Most of the manufactures don't include them. You can buy mushroom wood plugs online or at Home Depot.

A few years back, as we were assembling a bench and adding glue, one of us added an excessive amount of gorilla glue to the hole. It foamed up rather large and the next day we sanded the glue down to make the screw insert level. We thus covered up the screw - making this bench permanently assembled and never able to be knocked-down again.

We left the bench outside and what you see in the pictures is a weathered teak bench and plug about 3 years old. It didn't weather 100% like the grey in the teak, but it did cover the hole.

And since many people would chastise our effort and call us amateurs, we simply gave the concept a light-hearted name. If you are a PC-freak or get offended easily, we should have already made you mad by now anyway and you can find another site.

Below we show the details on how to complete this "plug". photos will be added later.